If there are children of the relationship, then this is an important category. If there are no children, then you won’t use this category in your calculation. Dekindle will also take into account pre-relationship children. In our opinion, children are the main reason for being honest. It is not their fault that there is a breakdown in the relationship and as far as possible it is important that their lives continue in as healthy and untroubled way as possible.
Dekindle does not make recommendations regarding custody or maintenance arrangements.
Dekindle will not take into account any maintenance payments, but it will take into account the amount of time a child has spent with each person, per fortnight since separation. This is a factor in calculating divisions in property settlement. We like to think that the children have contributed positively to the goodwill of the relationship. Other factors that Dekindle will take into account when thinking of children are their ages, expenses, earnings and capacity.
Dekindle’s calculation can be quite complex in the back end, but for the user, it’s very easy. Simply answer the questions, in every appropriate category, and the end result will be an accurate estimate of the property division. Don’t forget your children, they should always remain a tantamount consideration.